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About the Aripocgal Center

This center is specialized in curing diseases and the preservation of health according to the doctrine of Aristotle and Hippocrates.

1 -The customer selects the disease from the list of diseases or writes it in the message in the additional information. and fill in the rest of the required information.
2 -The center receives the customer’s request, then contact him/her via the available communication channels (WhatsApp, Telegram or Email).
3 -If the disease needs a diagnostic test to confirm the disease. A link of the test related to the symptoms of the disease will be sent to the patient to answer it (this test is free, but needs registration for login ).
4 -After confirming the disease, the appropriate cure is selected from pure natural materials.
5 -The customer is informed of the price of the medicine, and after payment, the medicine is sent to the customer by Post office with instructions for use.
( Note : – The customer can contact the center directly via WhatsApp, Telegram or Email)

Philosophy and medicine

Food and drink

Food and drink have an important role in the cure of the disease, as it is the main source of nutrition of the body and blood generation.
Therefore, there is usually a diet accompanying the cure to ensure the healing.

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